“Aroland First Nation is dedicated to delivering and creating education, health, cultural, and economic opportunities for its members and conserving its traditional territory.”


Welcome to The Aroland First Nation – Official Website
Aroland First Nation is an Anishnawbe First Nation located 60 km north of Geraldton and 20 km west of Nakina on Hwy 643 in Northern Ontario, Canada.
Aroland First Nation is an organization which is dedicated to delivering and creating education, health, cultural, and economic opportunities for its members and conserving its traditional territory. Aroland has a strong connection to the land and has been a steward of the land since time immemorial. Prior to European contact, the ancestors of Aroland First Nation hunted and fished, as well as both cultivated and gathered vegetation from the land. The settlement of Aroland First Nation occurred circa 1900 by community members engaged in the fur trade with the Hudson’s Bay Company.
Aroland First Nation gained reserve status under the Canadian Indian Act on April 15, 1985. Reserve lands have recently been dedicated to the First Nation by both Provincial and Federal governments. Aroland First Nation is a member of the Matawa First Nations Management and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Currently, Aroland has approximately 700 band members, and approximately 400 live in the community. Within the extended community, most people live in Thunder Bay; while other people live in Geraldton, Longlac, Alberta, Timmins, Toronto, Ottawa, Guelph and Nakina.
Notice to Proponents
For any proponents who wish to conduct activities in our Traditional Territory including mineral exploration, forestry, aggregates, power generation and distribution or any other infrastructure development, you must contact us prior to conducting activities within our traditional territory. Please contact our Band Office for more information.
Community Notice
Aroland First Nation Chief and Council are aware that there is a website online that says false and hurtful things about Aroland First Nation’s people and government, and that uses Aroland First Nation’s name and logo. Chief and Council are taking steps to deal with this issue.
Contact Us
arolandfirstnation@gmail.com or at 1-807-329-5970.